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Control costs, enhance financial oversight, and boost efficiency with full visibility into every dollar your institution spends.

As education budgets tighten and financial accountability grows, institutions need effective tools to control costs, optimize spending, and ensure financial sustainability.

Procurement teams in educational institutions play a crucial role in managing budgets, balancing the needs of faculty and staff, and coordinating with a wide range of suppliers. Yet, outdated systems and manual processes can make it difficult to maintain control over spending and stay compliant with institutional and regulatory requirements. In an environment of increasing financial pressure, administrators and finance departments need solutions that enhance financial oversight and improve operational efficiency.

Unimarket’s Spend Management software equips educational institutions with the tools to address these procurement challenges head-on, offering complete visibility and control over every dollar spent and the entire procure-to-pay process. Our platform simplifies workflows and approval processes across departments, reducing administrative overhead with a user-friendly interface that teams can easily adopt. By improving cost management and operational efficiency, Unimarket’s solutions help your institution focus more resources on advancing education and achieving student success.

Unimarket is the spend management solution of choice for:

Turn your chaos into clarity

Unimarket’s suite of Source-to-Pay and Spend Management software solutions are specifically tailored for higher education and K-12 institutions.


Achieve cost savings that make an impact

In education, savings don’t just affect the bottom line—they can positively impact the entire school community, including faculty, staff, and the local area. By using Unimarket’s platform, your institution can achieve 10% to 15% cost savings on all purchases through more efficient procurement processes, better supplier management, and competitive pricing. These savings can be reinvested into what matters most—enhancing resources and fostering growth across the institution and its community.

Centralizing purchasing is key to achieving these savings. Unimarket’s platform ensures that every purchase is made under negotiated supplier agreements, providing transparency and control over spending. By consolidating procurement, your institution can consistently buy from approved suppliers at pre-negotiated rates, reducing the risks of maverick spending and ensuring that all purchases align with your budget and financial goals.

Ensure compliance with confidence

Educational institutions must navigate a complex web of procurement rules, regulations, and reporting requirements, ensuring that every decision aligns with institutional goals and the broader community. Unimarket provides full visibility into procurement activities, empowering your institution to meet not only regulatory standards but also supplier diversity and sustainability thresholds. Whether it’s prioritizing purchases from women-owned or minority-owned businesses, or sourcing sustainable products, our platform ensures transparency across the purchasing cycle, making audits and reporting straightforward and helping foster trust with internal stakeholders and the community at large.

Unimarket’s platform also helps streamline communication between departments, ensuring that purchasing decisions support institutional goals such as sourcing from sustainable suppliers and meeting diversity thresholds. By centralizing the management of these efforts and offering real-time reporting, your institution can quickly address potential issues, reduce risks, and maintain accountability. This not only simplifies internal processes but also strengthens your institution’s reputation as a leader in financial discipline and fiduciary responsibility, in addition to supporting best practices in procurement and enabling the achievement of sustainability, environmental, and green initiatives.

Foster better collaboration across departments

In educational institutions, decisions related to procurement and the broader source-to-pay process often require input from a variety of stakeholders, including administrators, faculty members, and department heads. Unimarket’s platform simplifies this process by providing a centralized system that facilitates seamless collaboration across departments. With real-time updates, transparent communication, and streamlined approval workflows, everyone involved in the source-to-pay cycle—from sourcing and purchasing to payment—stays aligned, leading to more informed decisions and more efficient use of resources.

Centralized collaboration fosters a culture of accountability, as all stakeholders have visibility into the entire source-to-pay process and can contribute to decision-making at each phase. By using a single platform for sourcing, purchasing, approvals, and payment, finance and procurement teams can work together more effectively, ensuring compliance with budgetary guidelines and improving overall institutional performance.

How Adelphi University is saving time and effort with Unimarket

Liz Kash, Director of Procurement, has been with Adelphi for almost three decades. She shares how Unimarket helped address the university’s unique needs when it made the move to eProcurement. Adelphi University transformed its procurement process by switching from a manual, paper-based system to Unimarket’s eProcurement platform, which has greatly improved efficiency and saved time. Previously, the university's staff faced slow, labor-intensive workflows with limited visibility and no integration with their custom-built ERP. After implementing Unimarket, Adelphi now saves up to two weeks per month on administrative tasks due to automated workflows and reduced paperwork.

The platform’s seamless integration with their ERP has enhanced transparency, reporting, and overall control over procurement activities, empowering the procurement team to make better-informed decisions. With increased visibility, they can manage budgets more strategically, focusing on higher-value tasks rather than being bogged down by administrative work. Unimarket’s user-friendly interface and strong customer support have also played a key role in driving the success of the new system. Staff satisfaction and productivity have increased, with the university benefiting from a more efficient and streamlined procurement process overall.

"They’re very much there to support you, not just with software implementation, but also with how best to use it in your organization."

Liz Kash, Director of Procurement, Adelphi University

Saving time and effort

Learn how Unimarket helped address the Adelphi University’s unique needs when it made the move to eProcurement, ultimately saving the university substantial time and effort while allowing for more strategic work to be done.

  • Automated processes save two weeks of work per month
  • Easy purchasing through a user-friendly system
  • Integration with a homegrown ERP
  • Time freed up to focus on strategic procurement
  • Next-level customer support

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Case studies

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customers have to say.

Why Choose Unimarket

At Unimarket, we simplify procurement by streamlining and automating the entire source-to-pay process, saving your institution both time and money. Our comprehensive suite of source-to-pay solutions delivers everything you need without the distraction of unnecessary functionality or added complexity, enabling seamless user adoption, streamlined operations, and a rapid return on investment.

100% Control

Unimarket’s Spend Management software empowers educational institutions with unmatched expense control. By providing real-time visibility into budget status, administrators and finance teams always know where their institution stands financially.

Unimarket’s platform ensures that all purchases are approved before being made, preventing unauthorized spending and guaranteeing that vendors are on contract with pre-negotiated pricing. This level of control helps manage costs more effectively, streamlining procurement processes to ensure resources are used efficiently while supporting financial sustainability across the institution.

100% Visibility

Unimarket’s Spend Management platform provides educational institutions with real-time visibility over all purchases—whether at the enterprise, department, or individual level. This transparency ensures your institution is never caught off guard by unauthorized or unplanned purchases.

With Unimarket, you always have a clear view of your budget, allowing you to adjust spending as needed and reallocate resources to best support your institution’s mission. The platform’s insights offer complete control and visibility over financial management, ensuring that every dollar spent aligns with institutional goals and objectives.

100% Compliance

Compliance is critical in education, where institutions must meet various internal policies, funding requirements, and regulatory standards. Unimarket’s Spend Management platform automates approval workflows and standardizes purchasing processes, ensuring alignment with institutional guidelines and compliance with external regulations.

Additionally, Unimarket offers customization to meet specific public or private entity goals, such as purchasing from minority—and women-owned business enterprises (M/WBE) and sourcing environmentally friendly products. This flexibility ensures your institution meets its procurement and sustainability targets while maintaining operational efficiency and accountability.

Real Time Insights

Transitioning from limited visibility to real-time data and analytics is key to maintaining financial discipline and supporting educational initiatives. Unimarket’s platform delivers this capability through an intuitive dashboard, allowing you to see your institution’s financial position at any moment.

From aggregate spending across your institution to departmental and individual purchases, Unimarket provides comprehensive analytical tools to enhance decision-making. With real-time insights, you can see exactly where money is being spent, eliminating manual reconciliation and ensuring better financial control—saving your team valuable time and effort.

Rapid Implementation

Educational institutions are often managing numerous priorities, from supporting students and faculty to balancing tight budgets. With a 30-day implementation timeline, Unimarket’s platform is quick and seamless, requiring only four hours of staff training—yes, just four hours.

Our easy-to-integrate features and uncomplicated workflows require minimal IT resources, allowing your team to focus on core educational systems. With rapid onboarding, your institution can quickly recoup its investment and begin realizing cost savings within 3 to 4 months. Unimarket’s solution positively impacts budget control, compliance, and financial sustainability from day one.


User adoption is crucial for unlocking the full value of eProcurement, and Unimarket’s Spend Management platform is designed with simplicity in mind. It offers an intuitive, familiar online shopping experience that users across your institution will appreciate, regardless of their role or technical comfort level.

This ease of use leads to more on-contract spending, better visibility into expenditures, and greater efficiency. With rapid adoption, cost savings accelerate, minimizing the need for extensive training and IT support. Onboarding takes just four hours of training, with the full platform implemented within 30 days, providing immediate benefits to your institution’s financial operations.

Light Integration

Unimarket’s Spend Management platform seamlessly integrates with various ERP and accounting systems commonly used in educational institutions, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition. Unlike complex software integrations, Unimarket uses a middleware solution called Workato, making integration quick and straightforward.

This streamlined process enables institutions to implement the system within 30 days, with just four hours of staff training. This light integration allows educational institutions to start benefiting from enhanced financial control and efficiency almost immediately.

Simple Pricing & Affordability

Unimarket’s Spend Management platform offers a simple, transparent pricing model that allows unlimited users and suppliers without escalating costs. Implementation, testing, user training, and ongoing support are all included, ensuring a smooth transition with no hidden fees.

The platform generates rapid return on investment by directing all purchases to on-contract suppliers, providing significant cost savings and supporting budget discipline. For educational institutions balancing tight financial constraints, Unimarket’s solution is a no-brainer for gaining financial control and optimizing resources.

Sustainability & Carbon Neutrality

Investing in Unimarket’s platform not only enhances your institution’s financial sustainability but also supports its commitment to environmental practices and sustainability goals.

Unimarket helps your institution transition from paper-intensive processes to a fully digitized, paperless environment, accelerating your sustainability initiatives while boosting operational efficiency. This transition to environmentally conscious procurement benefits your institution, your community, and the planet.

Scalable & Future-Proof

Unimarket’s platform is built for organizations of all sizes, designed to scale as your institution grows and its procurement needs evolve. Whether expanding across multiple campuses or departments, Unimarket’s Spend Management solution adapts to your changing requirements, ensuring you maintain control over the entire source-to-pay process without added complexity.

With the capacity to handle increased purchasing volume, additional users, and a growing network of suppliers, Unimarket seamlessly supports your institution’s expansion. Our platform ensures that as your operations grow, you continue to benefit from centralized procurement, real-time insights, and streamlined approval workflows, helping you manage costs efficiently while sustaining long-term success.

Unimarket plays well with others

Unimarket can quickly and easily connect with nearly any ERP, Finance, or Accounting system quickly and easily with Workato, our integration middleware partner.

Ready to start?

Get in touch to find out how we can help you make procurement more strategic.